Neil Pryde RACING EVOIIITil denne sæson havde Neil Pryde valgt at fortsætte med samme setup og serie af sine succesfulde race sejl som i 2009, eneste forskel var anden grafik. Op til Formula VM i Argentina tidligere i år, blev der spottet nye versioner af deres race sejl, men den nye version er ganske anderledes. Klik på billedet for detaljer.

Nu er der dog nyt om en lanceringen af et helt nyt NP race sejl, nemlig RACING EVOIII, med integreret Compact Clew. I et interview med chef designer Robert Stroj fortælles blandt andet:

Q. Some of the top NeilPryde Team Riders will be racing on the EVOIII this season. Why?

As with any very new development it’s always a challenge to get all the little details 100% right and it took a longer time to finalize the design than was originally planned. We wanted to make sure that there was plenty of testing before the sail gets introduced to the market.

For those reasons we decided to have only our international team register and use the new RS:RACING EVOIII sails during the 2010 racing season so that we can introduce fully tested sails to the market later this year.

Q. Will there be a difference in the EVOIII sails introduced to the market later in the year from the ones the Team Riders are using now?

The sails introduced to the market will be the same designs as used by the team during the season, but will be introduced in new colors and different graphics.

This is a very similar concept to the current EVOII Limited Edition sails which are exactly the same designs as the regular 2009 EVOII sails, just with new graphics and colors.

Derudover følger så en hel del anden information om den nye version. Jeg kom til at tænke på om det var som respons til f.eks Gaastra med deres specielle “hul” ved udhalet, eller måske som svar på Severne’s nye Reflex sejl ? Ja svaret hænger i luften, men det er sikkert at Neil Pryde er i færd med at videre udvikle deres race sejl igen.

Læs mere om de nye NP racing sejl her.

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